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Lorikeet Room May News

What we have been doing in the Lorikeet Room…..

We have been incorporating split group times (as well as having our large group times) to focus on our different ages in the room and their different interests.

Blue Lorikeets (2-3yrs) have been looking at Letter Land. We have had the CD playing while looking at the different letters in the book along with a picture that goes along with the songs. From this we are able to start to make the sounds of the different letters which will prepare us for when we move into the Wallaby room.

lorikeet room may news

Red Lorikeets (18m-2yrs) have been looking at the different animal books which they have shown a strong interest in. In play with our friends we have started using different animals with natural resources along with the farm house. We especially liked looking at all of the farm animals and making the different noises that they make.


lorikeet room may news

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