What we have been up to in the Echidna Room….
What the children have been up to
May has brought us a busy month of learning, self-discovery and creativity. The Echidna children worked hard in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day, and what a hit it was. We had many beautiful mum’s attend our breakfast and spent some quality time playing with their children at Kindy. Over the month of March and April the Echidnas explored their self-help skills with feeding and hand washing. They picked up the hand washing very quickly and are now able to predict routine meal times based on their hand washing routines and transition times.
Moving on into the month of May the next big focus has be on building our social and emotional skills. Coming in to the toddler years the Echidnas will be faced with many moments where their emotions and social skills will be exercised and starting to recognise and label some basic emotions will foster this development. Over the past few weeks we have started to introduce some new words in to out day, such as ‘feeling frustrated’. We will continue to build on our feelings and emotions vocabulary as the week’s progress.
Parent update
Each week the children inspire a program that is designed to foster their interests, learning, and needs. To help make our weekly program more child centric, we would love you to please let the Echidna educators know of anything exciting that has or is happening; it could be a trip to the zoo or a visit from relatives abroad; whatever it is, we want to know.
Coming in to winter the mornings and nights are colder and darker, please pack (labelled) warm clothing and shoes for outdoor play periods. Thank you to all the parents who have been labelling their children’s belonging. We really appreciate it.
Olivia, Elise, Paris and Karen
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