Chores are a great way to teach your kids responsibly and the value of money (we’ll talk more about this next month).
But what chores are important for your children to learn, and what are they capable of doing?
Firstly, recognise the difference between a chore (an ongoing task that benefits the household) and a life skill (an activity that children should know how to do).
Secondly, remember that every child matures at a different pace, and they all have differing skills and talents.
Here’s a list of chores by age that can help you get the kids taking on some responsibility around the home.
Ages 2 and 3
Help make their beds
Pack away toys
Put their dirty clothes to the laundry
Feed the pets
Ages 4 and 5
Dress themselves
Make their bed
Put their bags away
Set the dinner table
Clear the table
Help with meal preparation
Feed the pets
Bring their things from the car to the house
Match socks in the washing
Ages 6 and 7
Make their bed every day
Brush teeth
Brush hair
Choose clothes and dress themselves
Look after pets
Fold washing
Put own folded washing away
Unpack dishwasher
Help with meal preparation
Ages 8 to 11
Take care of personal hygiene
Keep bedroom clean
Be responsible for homework
Be responsible for belongings
Wake up using an alarm clock
Wash dishes or pack dishwasher
Wash the car
Prepare easy meals on their own
Clean the bathroom
Rake leaves
Learn to use the washing machine
Take the rubbish out
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