To my Mummy & Daddy.
This is what I did today at Oxford Falls Early Learning Centre.
When I arrive at ‘school’ in the morning I’m super excited to see all of my teachers there waiting for me, smiling and ready to give me a big, warm hug. This really makes me feel safe and happy.
I say goodbye to you, and we go inside. Because we get to school early I get to see all of my friends and we all play together, even the big kids and the little kids. It’s nice when the big kids look after the little ones, like me, and they teach us some really fun things. They also like to give us lots of cuddles, too.
I also get to eat a yummy breakfast there. My favourite is fruit and yoghurt… or Weekbix and toast… or… I love it all! This fills my belly and gives me lots of energy.
After breakfast we say goodbye to our bigger friends and off we go to our classrooms. Hmmm, what shall I do today? I like to explore the classroom and find fun and exciting activities to do. Sometimes our teacher sets up crafts and play areas for us where we learn about things while we play, and sometimes we get to pick our own games and play together. My favourite is dress-ups.
After we play for a little while we all sit down together for morning tea. We get to have a really colourful fruit platter with toast, yoghurt and baked beans! Mmmmm! The little babies get fresh fruit purees too, so they don’t miss out.
I get really excited trying to guess what we’re having for big lunch. I can always smell the yummy cooking coming from the kitchen. This makes me hungry and I really look forward to lunch time.
Yawn… it’s time for a nap I think. Most of the children lay down for a sleep after lunch and a busy morning, and the bigger kids who are getting ready for school have a rest and then some quiet activities to help them when they go to big school. I love having my sleep after lunch because it gives me so much energy for the afternoon.
We spend the afternoon doing crafts, reading, playing and sharing the things that make us happy. After a little while we have our afternoon tea. The chef makes us really awesome things like vegemite twists, carrot cake and freshly-made hummus and crackers. I just love afternoon tea!
Soon it’s time for some of us to go home. The Mummy’s and Daddy’s pick up their kids at different times, so we all say goodbye to each other and look forward to seeing each other tomorrow. After 5pm all the big kids and the little kids get to play together again until everyone has been picked up and the centre closes for the night.
I race over to you when you come to pick me up, and I love it when we get home and you turn on the computer and you see everything that I did that day. I like seeing pictures of myself on the computer, and seeing myself having fun with all of my friends.
I just love my school, and I love my friends at Oxford Falls Early Learning Centre.
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